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    Cette fiche d'information porte sur les droits de la personne comme facteur de cessation d'emploi (fin d'emploi).
    TIP SHEET 2021

    Nous avons des droits de la personne au travail. Les lois sur les droits de la personne interdisent la discrimination au travail basée sur des motifs protégés. Pour en savoir plus, consultez cette fiche d'information.
    TIP SHEET 2021

    Si vous pensez avoir un problème de droits de la personne au travail, cette fiche d'information explique comment vous pouvez résoudre votre problème.
    TIP SHEET 2021

    This toolkit contains info sheets on domestic violence, how to recognize and prevent it and lists of services and agencies to get more help.
    TOOLKIT 2019

    Domestic violence educational programs from organizations around Alberta.
    TIP SHEET 2019

    Help for you and others affected by the domestic violence incident.
    TIP SHEET 2019

    Resources from organizations around the province on domestic violence related topics.
    TIP SHEET 2019

    How to speak with someone who may be experiencing domestic violence.
    TIP SHEET 2019

    There are signs that indicate domestic violence might be present.
    TIP SHEET 2019

    Some examples of possible domestic violence prevention strategies.
    TIP SHEET 2019

    Emergency services in the province that can be contacted in domestic violence situations.
    TIP SHEET 2019

    What the landlord can do to help a victim of domestic violence.
    TIP SHEET 2019

    Steps the victim can take to address their particular domestic violence situation.
    TIP SHEET 2019

    What is domestic violence and how can you recognize that it may be present?
    TIP SHEET 2019

    What to expect when the police have been called to a domestic violence situation.
    TIP SHEET 2019

    How can you help if you have witnessed or suspect domestic violence?
    TIP SHEET 2019

    Some insight as to why the victim might stay in a domestic violence situation.
    TIP SHEET 2019

    This booklet provides information on what elder abuse is, how to recognize it and what to do about it.
    BOOKLET 2019

    This tip sheet lists the main pieces of Alberta and federal legislation that relate most closely to elder abuse.
    TIP SHEET 2019


    A chart summarizing the elements of each legal tool that can be used for the prevention of elder abuse.
    TIP SHEET 2015


    A summary of the types, examples and possible indicators of elder abuse.
    TIP SHEET 2015

    A summary of legal remedies that can be taken when the best options have not been put in place to prevent elder abuse.
    TIP SHEET 2015

    This tip sheet outlines the steps in setting up a plan and suggestions on how to have the conversation with your loved ones.
    TIP SHEET 2015

    This guide is to be used for facilitating a workshop on the prevention of elder abuse. The audience for your sessions is assumed to be people who routinely work or volunteer with seniors.

    Developed for use in workshops, this manual could be used as a reference guide. It has three modules.

    This tip sheet describes mental capacity and its importance in determining the options that are available in the prevention of elder abuse.
    TIP SHEET 2015

    This tip sheet describes documents that can be set up by an older adult, before his/her incapacity, that can help prevent elder abuse.
    TIP SHEET 2019

    This tip sheet describes the process involved when elder abuse has been reported to the police.
    TIP SHEET 2015

    If you have lost your job through no fault of your own, you may be eligible for Employment Insurance.
    TIP SHEET 2019

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    Legal Resource Centre of Alberta Ltd.
    operating as Centre for Public Legal Education Alberta*

    Charitable Registration # 11901 2516 RR0001

    Edmonton Alberta