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    If you have lost your job through no fault of your own, you may be eligible for Employment Insurance.
    TIP SHEET 2019

    Children's Services is the Government of Alberta office responsible for keeping children safe. They get involved when they believe children are not safe or are being neglected by their parents or guardians.


    2 PAGES

    You've been served with a 14 day eviction notice. Is it legal? What are your next steps? This handy flow chart can help answer some of your questions.
    POSTER 2020

    Children's Services is the Government of Alberta office responsible for keeping children safe. They get involved when they believe children are not safe or are being neglected by their parents or guardians.


    2 PAGES

    Le but de la préparation d'un testament est de transmettre vos biens à vos proches selon vos souhaits et avec le moins de problèmes possible. Si vous décédez sans testament, il est souvent plus coûteux, plus compliqué et plus long de régler votre succession.
    BOOKLET 2020

    Une directive personnelle est un document écrit, signé, daté et attesté qui désigne une autre personne pour s'occuper de vos affaires personnelles (uniquement non financières ).
    BOOKLET 2020

    En préparant une procuration perpétuelle dès maintenant, vous pouvez vous assurer que vos biens sont gérés par une personne qui vous connaît et qui sait ce que vous voulez, une personne en qui vous avez confiance pour agir au mieux de vos intérêts, lorsque vous n'êtes pas en mesure de prendre des décisions par vous-même.
    BOOKLET 2020

    Information about child support, spousal support and partner support in Alberta.
    BOOKLET 2021

    Information for divorced parents, and people with contact with children, on what to do when moving.
    BOOKLET 2021

    Legal issues to consider before moving with your children within or outside of Alberta.
    BOOKLET 2021

    Information for new parents, including legal issues during pregnancy and raising your child.
    BOOKLET 2021

    Information on guardianship, parenting time and contact with a child in Alberta.

    BOOKLET 2021

    28 PAGES

    Information about dividing property when a relationship ends, for both married and unmarried couples.
    BOOKLET 2021

    Information for people in a family law dispute, including resolving disputes in and out of court.
    BOOKLET 2021

    32 PAGES

    Legal issues to consider if you are in a relationship and are thinking of separating in Alberta.
    BOOKLET 2021

    Information for married and unmarried couples about separation and divorce in Alberta.
    BOOKLET 2021

    Tips for travelling with children, without the child's other parent or guardian.
    NEW BOOKLET 2021

    This booklet summarizes key information about legal issues that arise within families, including during a separation.

    NEW BOOKLET 2024

    40 PAGES

    If your property is being foreclosed upon, or you are a tenant in a property that is being foreclosed upon, this booklet explains how foreclosure works, and your rights during the process.
    BOOKLET 2019

    This booklet is for people who want to know more about the content and uses of General Powers of Attorney.
    BOOKLET 2020

    If you want to enrol your child in counselling, you must have written consent from the other guardians or a court order allowing you alone to give consent.


    2 PAGES

    Do you need to probate or administer a deceased persons estate in Alberta? This booklet describes grants of probate, grants of administration and provides a step-by-step guide on applying to the court for a grant.
    BOOKLET 2022

    Information about adjournments of court - what they are and how to get one.
    TIPSHEET 2021

    2 pages

    For civil and family court, information about costs, enforcing an order or judgment and appealing an order.
    BOOKLET 2021

    4 pages

    For civil and family court, information about going to court to ask the judge for an order.
    BOOKLET 2021

    8 pages

    Information about affidavits - what they are and how to make one.
    BOOKLET 2021

    4 pages

    10 things you should know before going to civil court in Alberta.

    TIP SHEET 2022

    2 PAGES

    12 things you should know before going to family docket court in Alberta .
    TIP SHEET 2021

    2 pages

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    Legal Resource Centre of Alberta Ltd.
    operating as Centre for Public Legal Education Alberta*

    Charitable Registration # 11901 2516 RR0001

    Edmonton Alberta